Why Would Anyone Read That Stuff?
(too old to reply)
2007-02-09 21:28:08 UTC
Noted horror writer Peter Straub defends his chosen field in a talk
entitled "Why Would Anyone Read That Stuff?" at the University of
South Florida, Feb. 15, 7 p.m. in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center
Ballroom. This event is free and open to the public and was sponsored
by the USF Humanities Institute and the University Lecture Series. For
more information call (813) 974-3657 or visit http://webcal.usf.edu/

With 18 novels and four books of novellas to his credit, Straub is
considered a major "modern horror" novelist. Among his works are Ghost
Story, Shadowland, Mystery, Houses Without Doors, The Hellfire Club,
lost boy lost girl and Mr. X. The winner of seven Bram Stoker awards,
the British Fantasy Award, two World Fantasy awards, he was honored
with the prestigious "Life Achievement Award" by the Horror Writers
Association in 2006. Straub is also known for The Talisman and Black
House, collaborations with his friend Stephen King. His latest book is
In the Night Room published in 2004. He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.

"Peter Straub impresses his fans with the way he manages to write so
intelligently and yet remain accessible and highly entertaining," said
William Scheuerle, director, USF College of Arts and Sciences
Humanities Institute. "He is equally engaging as a speaker. This is a
great opportunity for our students and anyone interested in horror
novels to get acquainted with one of the leading proponents of the
2007-02-10 15:11:13 UTC
Hard to believe there are still idiots asking that question. My reply
to them is usually "Why do you read mundane dramas and sappy tear-
jerker romance-novels? At least what I read and write is intelligent!"
Post by b***@gmail.com
Noted horror writer Peter Straub defends his chosen field in a talk
entitled "Why Would Anyone Read That Stuff?" at the University of
South Florida, Feb. 15, 7 p.m. in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center
Ballroom. This event is free and open to the public and was sponsored
by the USF Humanities Institute and the University Lecture Series. For
more information call (813) 974-3657 or visithttp://webcal.usf.edu/
With 18 novels and four books of novellas to his credit, Straub is
considered a major "modern horror" novelist. Among his works are Ghost
Story, Shadowland, Mystery, Houses Without Doors, The Hellfire Club,
lost boy lost girl and Mr. X. The winner of seven Bram Stoker awards,
the British Fantasy Award, two World Fantasy awards, he was honored
with the prestigious "Life Achievement Award" by the Horror Writers
Association in 2006. Straub is also known for The Talisman and Black
House, collaborations with his friend Stephen King. His latest book is
In the Night Room published in 2004. He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.
"Peter Straub impresses his fans with the way he manages to write so
intelligently and yet remain accessible and highly entertaining," said
William Scheuerle, director, USF College of Arts and Sciences
Humanities Institute. "He is equally engaging as a speaker. This is a
great opportunity for our students and anyone interested in horror
novels to get acquainted with one of the leading proponents of the
2007-02-11 01:44:31 UTC
Please, if any of you can go, do. I can't. Not even in the right country.
But I've seen Mr. Straub on TV and he's an excellent speaker. You'll enjoy

Post by b***@gmail.com
Noted horror writer Peter Straub defends his chosen field in a talk
entitled "Why Would Anyone Read That Stuff?" at the University of
South Florida, Feb. 15, 7 p.m. in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center
Ballroom. This event is free and open to the public and was sponsored
by the USF Humanities Institute and the University Lecture Series. For
more information call (813) 974-3657 or visit http://webcal.usf.edu/
With 18 novels and four books of novellas to his credit, Straub is
considered a major "modern horror" novelist. Among his works are Ghost
Story, Shadowland, Mystery, Houses Without Doors, The Hellfire Club,
lost boy lost girl and Mr. X. The winner of seven Bram Stoker awards,
the British Fantasy Award, two World Fantasy awards, he was honored
with the prestigious "Life Achievement Award" by the Horror Writers
Association in 2006. Straub is also known for The Talisman and Black
House, collaborations with his friend Stephen King. His latest book is
In the Night Room published in 2004. He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.
"Peter Straub impresses his fans with the way he manages to write so
intelligently and yet remain accessible and highly entertaining," said
William Scheuerle, director, USF College of Arts and Sciences
Humanities Institute. "He is equally engaging as a speaker. This is a
great opportunity for our students and anyone interested in horror
novels to get acquainted with one of the leading proponents of the
Andreas Schwartmann
2007-03-08 12:18:02 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.
So there will be a sequel to Black House?

That's fine. :-)

Bev Vincent
2007-03-08 13:54:32 UTC
Post by Andreas Schwartmann
Post by b***@gmail.com
He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.
So there will be a sequel to Black House?
However, the comment in the article that they were "currently at work" was
incorrect. They do plan to do a third book, but are not working on it yet.
Bev Vincent
2007-03-09 21:06:23 UTC
Post by Bev Vincent
Post by Andreas Schwartmann
Post by b***@gmail.com
He is currently at work with King
on a sequel to their bestseller The Talisman.
So there will be a sequel to Black House?
However, the comment in the article that they were "currently at work" was
incorrect. They do plan to do a third book, but are not working on it yet.
Bev Vincentwww.BevVincent.com
So Bev, any idea when peter is going to come out with something new?
I'm dying over here!
Bev Vincent
2007-03-09 21:29:56 UTC
Post by Colin
So Bev, any idea when peter is going to come out with something new?
I'm dying over here!
No, I know he was working on a book that is inspired by The Turn of the
Screw, but I don't know where he is with that. Then he wants to revisit the
lost boy/night room world with a book about Joseph Kalendar.

In the interim, you can save your life by getting "Sides" from Cemetery
Dance, "a delightful collection of introductions, afterwords, introductions,
essays by Straub-as well as the collected works of PS's grumpy alter ego, Mr
Putney Tyson Ridge"
Bev Vincent
Jim Odell
2007-04-23 08:44:03 UTC
Post by Bev Vincent
Post by Colin
So Bev, any idea when peter is going to come out with something new?
I'm dying over here!
No, I know he was working on a book that is inspired by The Turn of the
Screw, but I don't know where he is with that. Then he wants to revisit the
lost boy/night room world with a book about Joseph Kalendar.
It's good to see that another 'Lost Boy/Night Room' is forthcoming. Nice
series, that.

